Sunday, December 19, 2004


First off I would like to really thank everyone for the terrific and supportive emails and messages they sent after reading my last entry. I have been too busy/depressed to write for a few days, but just knowing that people out there pay attention to random things in this world and are willing to actually take the time to write something nice to someone they dont even know is a heartning thing. Thank you all so much for being kind.

It's funny. I definitely crossed a line with my last post. When I began this blog only a few posts ago, I had sort of decided it would remain strictly about the bakery. I also decided that although I would mention my coworkers, boss, etc, that I wouldnt get too personal or hurtful about them, just on the unlikely but off chance they read this.

But mainly I had decided to not talk too much about myself and turn this into some sort of sad little personal journal of lost hopes or whatever. But its really hard to seperate personal from bakery. And sometimes the only things you can think about or write about are the important ones on your mind. So maybe it isnt such a bad thing to get them out there and to write about them.

People have been pretty mellow at the bakery lately. I think they are all so focused on the holidays and such that they mostly just want to get in and get out. But we did have one lady who called about a gift box she had recieved and claimed it had been chewed on and eaten away by RATS!!!!

According to her, she was not home when UPS delivered the package. Thus it sat on her porch for a day or two.Her daughter had sent her the same thing last year and she 'didn't really like it then and didnt want another one', and she claimed that the bread inside the box had been chewed on and obviously eaten by rats and we must have mailed it out of our 'warehouse' that way!

Yes, dear lady. We looked at the fifty or so giftboxes freshly put together and ready to be mailed that afternoon and saw one with holes chewed in it and rats swarming over it and said to one another, "Ah, yes! She didnt like the gift box last year? Well, just WAIT until she sees this one!"

I almost wish that were true. ;)

xxxooo bakerygirl


Blogger Kristin said...

We have regular customers at the restaurant that always complain (What? That's not on the menu today? Can you ask the chef if he'll make it? Last time we were here you had the raisin pecan bread, why not today? This wine tastes different this time, is this bottle corked?...) Why do these people come back? Your rat lady must be this couples' Chicago relations.

I don't think you could ever turn this into a Poor Me journal because you know you don't want to. One of the things that has pleased me about my thirties is that the drama seems to end. Your perspective sharpens and you learn to live with things. People who don't learn this seem to end up on television programs featuring the names 'Montel', 'Springer', and 'Povitch'.

11:22 AM  
Blogger Ghost of Goldwater said...

I've been randomly clicking my way around these blogs since I started my own on Friday... this is one of the best written I've seen. Thank you.

11:40 AM  
Blogger Ghost of Goldwater said...

Also... I hope you don't mind that I've added you to the "random chatters" links on my page...

6:44 PM  
Blogger ReesieKitty said...

Thanks Kristin. I agree about being in your 30s and not your 20s- I might wish I had, say, my 22 year old body or something, but I would NEVER wish for the drama again. Of course, your 30s also have their very own speical brand of issues, but I think you just - hopefully- know how to manage it better.

and Ghost, thanks a lot! I dont mind at all, although I am soo busy I havent been chatting as often as I used to. But I'm glad you like it:)
xxxooo bakerygirl

9:16 AM  

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